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Tom 1960

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About Tom 1960

  • Birthday 07/16/1960

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    Wells, Maine

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  1. A purchase made from Bill F many years ago.
  2. I feared this. it wasn't like Bill to not post for any length of time since he was such an active member here. Bill and I shared similar tastes in jazz. I will cherish our many conversations on Skype which go back more than a dozen years or so. We used to trade music back and forth and when Bill felt it was time to thin out his collection, I ended up buying a bunch of his CDs. Now that I know of his passing, I will pay tribute to my friend by playing some of that music in the coming days. Bill always used to get a chuckle when some board members which will go nameless, used to dump on Eric Alexander. He was a big fan and I believe at one point was able to see him perform in the UK. Bill, you were a good friend to me and will always remember sharing our love for jazz music. Your memory will live on around these parts. Thank you!
  3. A lesson learned, I will set up an alternative email account in case this happens in the future. A two-stage Authentication will also be in order. I won't go into details as to how I got myself back online but things are back to normal. I did receive notifications supposedly from Facebook that my password was changed then a follow-up email saying my email address was changed. To play it safe I didn't click on the link, instead I just typed in facebook.com and went about it that way. Aggravating as it was I'm back online. Thanks for the helpful advice everyone.
  4. Thanks. I've been playing with this for the past hour or so. Probably will check in later. Also IM on Facebook is no longer good. F***!
  5. Kevin, I received two emails overnight. One said my password had been been changed and the other was my email had been changed. When I do attempt to log in Facebook it does not recognize my password or my email address. I have gone on to their help page to file a report and it asks for my password and doesn't recognize it. One of the options suggested is that I provide a photo ID. Would you do something like that? Do you feel comfortable doing that? Right now, I haven't. I guess one thing I could ask since we are friends is access my account by clicking on my screen name and see what shows up if anything.
  6. Hey guys. I hope you can give me some assistance here maybe having dealt with this issue in the past. My account on Facebook was hacked overnight and both my email address and password has been changed. I have tried a number of options which include me providing a photo ID or some sort of documentation. A drivers license for instance. I have to admit that makes me nervous and balking at that right now. Any suggestions to get this account back up? They are asking for an alternative email but currently I have only one. This pisses me off and frankly if I can't find other options, perhaps its bye bye Facebook. That's last resort type of stuff. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  7. Could have done without the sappy solo stuff. Loved when he fronted The Raspberries. R.I.P.
  8. I don't get around here as often as I used to. Any news? Very concerned about my good friend.
  9. Just arrived in mail yesterday. Will be playing shortly.
  10. I've been listening to a few of his albums the past couple days and all I can say is wow! So I'm curious what are your thoughts and impressions? Favorite releases. I realize a lot of his catalogue is OOP, but then there is his mega complete recordings set. I'm not sure if I'm ready to spring for the set, but it is reasonably priced on Amazon. Right now I'm listening to his releases either off of Spotify or You Tube. If any of you guys are looking to sell the individual releases, I certainly would entertain any offers. PM me.
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