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Everything posted by mjazzg

  1. Makaya McCraven Quintet w. London Contemporary Orchesrra
  2. In that case I might just try and hold off and see what that is or I may just fold
  3. Stop it now! 😄 I already have the real gems that are the NYAQ, Taylor/Oxley and Taylor/Dixon (disappointingly noisy pressing, even with a replacement)
  4. Count me intrigued. Triple Point don't get over here easily or cheaply so we'll have to see at $52 shipped
  5. Tomorrow, Morton Feldman's Violin and String Quartet (1985). UK premiere performed by Apartment House
  6. Andrzej Kurlyewicz Quintet - 10+8/Ten+Eight [Polskie Nagrania Muza, Poland 196, mono] One of my all time favourite album cover designs. Music's great too
  7. Komeda Quintet - Astigmatic [Polskie Nagrania Muza, Poland 1967]
  8. It's a lot better than good, that goes to the desert island. Track it down @HutchFan you'll like it, I'm pretty confident
  9. Great player who left some truly special recordings. Would love to have seen him live.
  10. Glad it went down well. I always had Carter down as a bit gimmicky from when he first became popular. I thought age may have calmed him down but it seems not.
  11. It's a great record. I bought one of the Japanese reissues only this year. Should have held on as Sam always do such a great job
  12. Positive, powerful stuff. Satoh (it is him isn't it? I haven't got the details in front of me now} really stands out for me. I do wonder what the drummer was on. I need some of that. Definitely in the queue for a reissue
  13. Akira Miyazawa Quartet - Kiso my first listen
  14. Clifford Jordan Quartet - Glass Bead Games [Strata East/Pure Pleasure, UK 2019 RE] no boomy bass @Pim 👍
  15. Evan Parker - Zanzou [Jazz & Now, Japan 1983]
  16. Mixed bag so far today Kalaparush - Ram's Run [Cadence, 1982] Peter Evans - Being & Becoming [More Is More Records, 2020] Binker Golding, John Edwards, Steve Noble - Moon Day [Byrd Out, UK 2021]
  17. I'm hoping for some of those Dutch and European bands. I'll take Hutcherson/Land too.
  18. Thanks, I shall just pretend it's not a PP release when I listen the first time 😄 Now onto Clifford Jordan - Inward Fire [Muse, 1978] Up there with the Strata Easts in my opinion but not in market value thankfully
  19. Yes, or Juno. Listening to my UK original it sounds pretty good so may not need to upgrade It has finally prompted me to order the Pure Pleasure GB Games. I'm never sure about Pure Pleasures as I find the bass is often a bit too boosted so 🤞
  20. Clifford Jordan - In The World [Polydor, UK 1972]
  21. It's just a marketing term now, used fast and loose. It's getting close to undermining any true meaning conpletely I do think it's interesting that it's become a style that is adopted by new bands some in an almost "by numbers" approach which can lead to varying degrees of contrivance and success. Some examples I can get along with well, others drive me screaming away Try Web Web as an example of this, it's as if they've ticked every 'Spiritual Jazz' box. https://webweb.bandcamp.com/album/web-max I regard this as a better example, your view may differ
  22. Thanks, in my Discogs cart waiting for a moment of weakness... Only Japanese sellers so far, wondering if it will get closer distribution
  23. @PimThat looks a great edition, is it the latest P-Vine 45rpm? I prefer this album to GBG and have a UK original but that looks very tempting
  24. Love that duet. The Kikuchi reissue is very good, just listened to it prompted by your post
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