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Head Man

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Everything posted by Head Man

  1. That's great news. I have Volume 1 with Joe Henderson & it's terrific! The problem I have with trying to buy Volume 2 through www.redoctopus.at is that I can't speak German and there doesn't seem to be an 'English' translation on the website. Does anyone know if there is another 'English' site selling the CD or can someone tell me which buttons to press on the 'redoctopus' site in order to make a purchase.
  2. Head Man

    Bennie Maupin

    I have mentioned before that the Marion Brown - Juba-Lee recording is available as a CD-R from Downtown Music Gallery DMG It comes with artwork and is probably a copy of the CD that came out in Japan some years ago. Whilst it is not my favourite Marion Brown recording it has its moments and it certainly does contain some fierce Bennie Maupin!
  3. I probably shouldn't be saying this but I think I've mentioned before that many of these Fontana releases are currently available as CD-Rs from Downtown Music Gallery. DMG Included are both 'Blood' by Paul Bley & 'Consequences' by the New York Contemporary Five. They appear to be copies of the set that came out in Japan some years ago and come with copied artwork of the Marte Roling covers etc. This is such good music and almost impossible to find elsewhere.
  4. I'd start with 'Flight 19'. 'Live at I.U.C.C.' is OK but rather unfocused - it has the feel of a rehearsal session. I've not heard 'The Call' but unless you are in a hurry I would wait for the CD re-issue. It may have additional tracks.
  5. My only recording by him is 'Big Jim's Tango'. It's excellent.
  6. Yes, this Mike Taylor tribute is lovely. I bought it direct from Neil several years ago. BTW the recent re-release of Mike Taylor's quartet recording, 'Pendulum' on Sunbeam Records is wonderful. He really is a lost talent.
  7. Head Man

    Alex Sipiagin

    He has some very nice recordings on Artist Share available as downloads: Alex Sipiagin
  8. My 'Ellington - Reprise Recordings' arrived this morning. Haven't had a chance to listen to the music yet but my first impression of the long-box & liner notes is favourable. I wonder if Mosaic will ever go for this format? It would certainly allow them to reduce the cost of shipping, particularly to 'non-US' destinations.
  9. Some more information on the Dick Morrissey album posted on 'that other place': http://forums.allaboutjazz.com/showthread....66&page=159
  10. Head Man

    Joe Gordon

    You need to be careful what you say. There's always someone else who knows better!
  11. I'm lying down at the moment trying to recover from the shock. The appointment with the shrink's been booked for early next week. My fault, I suppose, for not looking more closely at the first posting date.
  12. I have over thirty LPs currently for auction on ebay: LPs on ebay Thanks for looking and drop me a PM if you need any further information.
  13. For anyone that may be interested I have a couple of David Liebman LPs for sale on ebay, including 'Sweet Hands' mentioned above: ebay sales
  14. I bought a batch from Downtown Music Gallery about four months ago when they advertised them as 'end of stock' which they would not be restocking. From this I assume that in future they will only be available as used copies on ebay, Amazon resellers etc. If you are thinking of buying any then I suggest you get an order in quickly with Cadence or DMG.
  15. My thoughts exactly! Drop them a line & ask whether it's on their 'we'll get around to it later' list.
  16. Crap!! That's the same night as my son's 3rd birthday. Take him with you!!
  17. Hi Allen Just paid $10 for my copy through Paypal, including $6 for shipping to UK. Should I have ordered two copies to hear it in stereo? Thanks David
  18. Anyone found the best price for UK buyers? Bestbuy only ship within the US. BTW Amazon.uk are quoting £43.99 or over $86! It will probably be best to wait for a few weeks and check to see what their US resellers decide to sell it for - but can I wait that long?
  19. Two days ago I received an e-mail notifying me that a member had sent me a message but it has never appeared in my messages 'in-tray'. Is this a known problem?
  20. Thanks everyone. I knew I could rely on you to come up with the goods!
  21. I recently obtained a copy of the latest Johnny Hodges Complete Verve Groups set on Mosaic and I'm really enjoying the music on it. So much so that I'd like to be able to get the music that was available on the earlier vinyl boxset that Mosaic released. Can anyone help me by telling me where I can obtain copies of the same music on CD please. There seem to be quite few CDs available from Bluemoon & Classics but it's very difficult to try and work out which ones cover the earlier 'Small Group' period. Can anyone provide a definitive list?
  22. Thanks Chick (or Check) for the info. I've just placed my order.
  23. Lol, can you confirm the track listing on your CD please. There are several CDs listed on Amazon with the same title but with different covers so I want to make sure I order the right one.
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