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Bill Fenohr

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Everything posted by Bill Fenohr

  1. There is nothing on this session in the Prestige book, but i did notice that the same group minus Griff cut the Goin To Meeting album in May of 1962. The last date that they did as a group was for Jazzland in Feb. of 62, but Ben Riley was still the drummer. So i would guess this material must be from the May period. Who it was recorded for, i don't have a clue.
  2. Mike, To my knowledge the session was never released.
  3. To my ears its Ericson on this record. In the booklet to the copy i have there is a picture of KD,Ericson and Tete at the gig. Again they both lay out on the others feature number as you have listed.
  4. Botschinsky plays both trumpet and flugle on the record. And both guys lay out on the tracks you listed, as they are feature tunes.
  5. Then i guess those two tracks will show up on one of the Shirley cds as they come out. Im not positive, but i think the Cootie Williams was on cd either in Japan or Europe at one time.
  6. Some of those on your list are on cd. The Shirley Scott Trio is scattered over two cd's, Like Cozy and Trio Classics vol 1. The Taft Jordan is on a cd called Mood Indigo. The Coleman Hawkins Make Someone Happy is on the cd titled On Broadway. The Clark Terry is on Mellow Moods. On the Lockjaw/Shirley Misty all but two tracks are on cd. I think they are on one of the Lockjaw cd's. Those Jazzmen Play and Lusty and Modern Moods are compulations and the songs are on other Prestige cd's.
  7. Unless the status of this session was changed in the new Blue Note Discography it is listed as a unissued session, not a rejected session. They had picked the takes that would make up the album. Dan and Kevin, I think you ought to go back and listen to the session again. Hank only squeeks on two takes. I will grant you he is right on the edge sometimes, but only hits the clinkers on two takes. Also it is not all false starts and breakdowns. Besides the six takes that were picked for the album, there are eleven compete takes of the various songs. Although i agree it may not be the best Messengers ever, it is far from the worst. I think most fans would be happy to own it if for no other reason then to hear Lee on one of those special days when he was really burning. So thats my four cents.
  8. Its too bad they have not got around to that date. Through a friend in the business, i have heard the tapes of that session. Lee Morgan was on fire that day.Most of the songs have two sometimes three complete takes. Maybe its time to start lobbying Cuscuna for a future Conn.
  9. couw, Thanks man, that is exactly what i needed. Now its just trying to run down some of the liner notes and the ones i don't have.
  10. Thanks again Brownie. I have that Blue Note book and i have to tell you that on the vast majority of the 10"ers,there track listings are wrong. They ofcourse have the right songs,but not in the right order. The best source i found were old Down Beat reviews. They list the songs in there proper order. The problem with the JJ is that either i missed it or DB did not review it.
  11. Brownie, I have no problem waiting. Just PM me when you are ready. Thank you,thank you,thank you.
  12. Thanks Mike I was wondering myself, since i could not find a cover for 5051, and one of the songs that was listed as being on the album does not have Gigi in the band. I was also able to get the track sequence for the Melle vol 3. So its just down to the track sequence on the JJ vol 3.
  13. You might be interested to know that there were a couple of jazz DJ's back then that would set aside twenty minutes to a half hour of their programs and just play ballads. I think the vast majority of the Moodsville series is on cd, either as whole albums or buried on some of the issues that came out as The Gentle Side of so and so and cd's that followed session order. There are two that come to mind that are not out, Red Garland Alone With The Blues and Sam "The Man" Taylor The Bad And The Beautiful. Coleman Hawkins The Jazz Version Of No Strings has three of the eight tracks on cd and the Lockjaw/Shirley Misty is short two tracks of all being on cd.
  14. shrdlu The only two i actually had to transfer from record were the two Best Of The West volumes and they were from 1970's UA reissues, so the surfaces were fine, but i must say that even back then the tapes were starting to show some problems. All the other material has been on cd either from BN, Vouge or Classics in the case of the Erroll Garner material and one James Moody track.
  15. couw, Im think you may have mentioned this in another thread, but if Classics ever brings out the next Moody volume, the strings session should be on it. I think the last volume ended just a couple of months before the Vouge session. Lets hope. On the other three all i know is on the Sounds From The Old World that the four tracks by The Swinin' Swedes was from Cupol Records and BN put out the four tracks as an EP besides being part of that album. On the British stuff, some of it was from Esquire and some of it was from Atlantic-Golden Bell and it all had something to do with the Melody Maker Magizine poll winners. The Sadi was from Vouge.
  16. I have been making facimiles of the 10" Blue Notes and need some info on playing sequence on three of them. I have all the tracks,but do not have a clue on the running order. The albums are: Gigi Gryce vol 3 BN-5051 Gil Melle vol 3 BN-5063 Jay Jay Johnson vol 3 BN5070 Im hoping some of the old timers on the board my have the originals or the various reissues that have come out through the years. I also have a few questons on back liner notes. As many of you know some of the 10"ers had essay notes and others had generic backs that advertised the rest of the catolog. The earliest essay back i have found is #5018. Does anyone know of anything earlier ? Also were there essay liners for Elmo Hope Trio #5029, Gil Melle vo 1 and vol 3? What sort of backs did the three Miles Davis and three Jay Jay Johnson voumes have ? Now for the begging part. There are four of the 10"ers i dont have. They are: BN-5005 James Moody w. Strings BN-5019 New Sounds From The Old World BN-5052 New Sounds From Ole England BN-5061 The Swingin' Fats Saudi If anyone has these who would be willing to make me a burn or if the material for them is scattered on cd, if you can steer me in the right direction i would be in your debt. Thanks in advance for any help.
  17. Boy, you guys don't give up easy. Fitz is a hundred percent right on this one. The vinyl label and cd tray card are the proper playing order. I am familiar with the Crusaders Pass The Plate album and can tell you that Goin Down South on that album is the same song as track 1 of the cd. The song Jazz you can check out for yourself at Amazon. It is the same song as track 3 on the cd. So since Jazz can be confirmed and Gitlers discription mentions an oboe interlude that can only be the discription of Procession which has the only oboe on the album and that is track 5. Everyone seems to be in agreement that Ummh is track 4, so that just leaves tracks 2 and 6. Since four of the traks are the songs the label states they are, odds are the other two are also. How could Gitler have been so wrong? This is just a possible scenerio. Most liners were written from test pressings and the labels in many cases were type or hand written as to song titles. So its possible that the titles were incorrect on the labels of the test. Its also possible that the sequence was changed after the notes were written, either at Bobby's request or by Duke Pearson the producer and the notes were never altered to reflect the changes. After all this was produced during the Liberty/UA years when they did not take the care that Al and Frank would have. Anyway guys i think the tracks on the cd are in the correct order and that's my story and im sticking to it.
  18. Clem, One of the Verve's i like alot was a date co-led by Jimmy and KB called Blue Bash! with Grady Tate rounding out the trio. Of the big band stuff Bashin' is by far my favorite.
  19. I hear you, the record store i went to at that time had the jackets displayed in wall racks. So as you pushed one rack over to look at the next, the spines faced you and you could not miss those orange spines in that sea of white. In their first release i pretty much wore out Trane's Africa Brass and Gil Evans Out Of The Cool. I was hooked. BTW we ended up a few years later buying that record store.
  20. I tend to agree with Mike on this one. It would not be the first time in Blue Notes history that this has happened. Way back in the 10" days there were a number of covers with song lists on the front that bore no relation to the actual track sequence. After being around records for over forty years i have more trust in whats on the label then what might be on the cover or in the notes.
  21. I will bet NASA has nothing on this guy when it comes to sterile rooms. I can imagine what you have to go through to go to this guys house to listen to a couple of sides. Air locks, decontamination and clean suits.
  22. couw, I think you misunderstood me, i was not suggesting that Rooster Ties download these images for his project. I just meant that downloading the covers would make a nice addition to Mosaic sets.
  23. That site that Leeway posted is a great way for you folks out there with Blue Note Mosaics, like the Lee Morgan, Blue Mitchell, Elvin Jones etc. Now you can download all the covers to the albums in the box sets and store them with your Mosaic books. Not including the album covers is about the only knock ive heard about Mosaic and now you can take care of that problem, at least on the BN's Im not sure, but i think he has about the whole BN catolog from the 10'ers on, including the famous LT series and the Japanese only issues. I almost forgot, thanks for posting that Leeway, i downloaded a few covers myself for cdr's i have that only had b&w covers.
  24. All three albums are being offered at reasonable prices at www.gemm.com. www.euclidrecords. com in St Louis shows they have Insight and Solid Ground.
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