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Everything posted by tjobbe

  1. Hi you'll find Dual web side on the net like this here with some reference to the 1219 http://dual-reference.com/tables/1219.htm there are lot more but mostly german only (due to nature of that company). I had one in mid 70's (my first TT ever, although it was a 122x... I would believe 1229 but, hey my age fools me sometimes ) and exchanged it later with 731Q. According to a list the orginal Pick-up was a Shure M91MGD with the DN330 Stylus. Hope that helps.... Cheers, Tjobbe P.S. you might find some website that provide some step-by-step repair and refreshing procedures for those player... but also, mostly german ones
  2. yeah, run e.g. some disc-checker for currupted files etc. maybe that can help as the OE needs to locally flag in his mail-file which mails do not need to get retrieved again. If it cannot update, it assumes all to be new and re-loads and re-loards.....until your disc is full Cheers, Tjobbe
  3. you need to configure somehow (assume you use POP-3 as protocal) what has to happen with the mails that reside on the server side. Check what you'd configured there. Options are normally a) leave all on server (requires you to delete them on the server) b) delete after download ( is normally the prefered way) c) delete after a certain time (is also ok) what I assume in your case has happened that either the server or OE has not properly managed to flag the already downloaded mails. So it might well be that even your OE is having a corrupt mail file. Does your provide have a webmail interface you can manually delete your server side emails to avoid the download? Hope that helps... Cheers, Tjobbe
  4. Hi Jim, as you know I already pretty much enjoyed your last "Metheny like tune" so I might already be able to nominate my new favourite Cheers, Tjobbe
  5. I have bought that Stax 3CD box set recently to avoid all the individual ones and I believe that to be a very good way to have an overview on the bands profile. I would recommend getting it. Cheers, Tjobbe
  6. as a frequent Paris visitor (for work unfortunately) I would not want to go there from November onward for vacation. October I think is still ok with some normally mellow weather. Also, as long as I do not try to speak english, I never had any issue with the french B-) My advise for travel: try to use the Metro where ever you go, specially if want to be there on time... if you have the luxury of having enough time, take busses.... ..and yes, you will not discover all of Paris in one trip. ..and also, Paris is very expensive. Have second credit card with you Cheers, Tjobbe
  7. great idea guys, the check is in the mail (electronically ..) Cheers, Tjobbe
  8. I can confirm Claude's experience with the ZYX own manufactured products.. I had at least two 20Bits that two of my Sony's (One XA50ES, one SCD670XE) were unable to read properly .... Cheers, Tjobbe
  9. I bought both PROZAK CD's from CDBABY and its lot of fun.. The Led Zep Misty Mountain Hop is a killer, listen HERE FUN FUN FUN...... Cheers, Tjobbe
  10. @fent99, Peter Johnson, sjarrell: your disc's are in the mail ... Cheers, Tjobbe
  11. independent of what I will list here, I'll definetely forget some so I limit it to the three names below: Bill Evans - Village Vanguard 3CD Box set and the Montreux Festival more or less any Tjader live album (never disappointed with any) Dave Brubeck Quartet with the 1963 At Carnegie Hall concert and my all-time favourite Live album -with one single Jazz tune, day at the races- : Waiting for Columbus (Little Feat), extended two disc version Cheers, Tjobbe
  12. raining again....you can see it coming from Belgium and The Netherlands Cheers, Tjobbe
  13. Hi Dan, is it good Kharma if I take this.... Cheers, Tjobbe EDIT what I can additionally offer to the board is Along came Jones - New York Connexion (with Eubanks, Allen, Locke and more)
  14. Hi Jim, although I'm sometime tired of following some of the "discussions", I would still opt to leave that forum alive for few personal reasons: a) we have some good mixture in the forum (based on active members) were we can exchange opinions between europe/Asia and Americas too. I would not see the disputes (ok, overshadowed by the November accident, call presidential Elections) this too dramatic b) I myselve got at least access to more US source of information through this board than I would get the normal way. and c) vice versa, the "other side of th epond" can get you some insight to how the US is looked at from a different perspective and last not least.... as this is a Jazz Forum, in worst case I would be even happy to not have that "politics forum" available... Cheers, Tjobbe
  15. Hi would you be able to send that to me ? In return I would offer a Savoy/Denon Japanese remaster of a 1951 Dizzy Gillespie - School days in addition to the two german disc still available -> taken by fent99 Cheers, Oliver
  16. re-occuring very often: Dolphin dance....and due to my Tjader plays Mambo thats spinning in my car for a while...Guarachi Guaro/Soul Souce
  17. I'll take it. sorry Д.Д., has been taken already but... can I offer you this from same the source -Denon/Savoy- instead ? Let me know please, as else it's for public ..... Cheers, Tjobbe
  18. i would opt for one thread listing the offers only with one post per member and another like this here with give and take as it else gets unhandy with all the good stuff maybe forgotten. Cheers, Tjobbe
  19. thx Jeff, beside the two open items from german artist - Matthias Schubert Quartet - Heiner Stadler Jazz Alchemy I want to add another japanese Denon/Savoy Mastersound re-issue in Papersleeve with OBI and un-played, specially organized today for this purpose B-) It's Gigi Gryce - Nica's Tempo gone sjarrell First come, first serve..... Cheers, Tjobbe
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