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Everything posted by Peter

  1. Try univenture.com. Their sleeves have a soft protective backing to protect the playing side of the disc. I've got a couple thousand and have been using them for over 15 years.
  2. A few more sales like this one and maybe I could afford the Candid Mingus and Taylor!
  3. Bidding is at $54.59, with 5 hours to go. Looks like a good deal for someone!
  4. Just listed my Curtis Fuller Mosaic on ebay. $1 to start, no reserve. Thanks for looking. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...item=4750324262
  5. The weak US dollar may be a factor.
  6. Peter

    Funny Rat

    Yes, I long ago gave up on CIMP for similar reasons.
  7. Just listed my Art Blakey Mosaic set (CDs) on ebay. Bidding starts at a buck. No reserve. Here's the link: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...item=4747312816
  8. Yes, you are right. They've since contacted me and assured me it would be no problem.
  9. I received my copy of Alchemica damaged. The lower right-hand corner of the box is damaged as are the lower right-hand corners of the CD placard holders and booklet. More importantly, discs 3, 7, 8, 9, and 10 are all scratched. I've only listened to disc 3 so far, but that disc will not play properly due to the scratch. The scratches are mostly circular. Anyone else have problems? I've just sent an email to info@polishjazz.com. Hopefully they are stand-up guys. On another (iritating) note, it seems to me that the most important (and most basic) role of cd packaging is to safely store the cd. I am appalled at the number of cd packages that fail at this most fundamental task. If you tip one the the cd-storing placards in the V5 set (to access the placard below it for example) you'll find that all the cds fall off. That just plain sucks in my view.
  10. I've ordered several Bear Family sets from www.cdwolf.com. His prices are low and he's prompt & reliable. For example the following 9 disc box is $132. A hair under $15/disc. LOUIS JORDAN LET THE GOOD TIMES ROLL(1938-1954) 9-CD Boxset&Book BCD 15557-IH
  11. Well I ordered it today off ebay. What finally closed the deal was Jeb Bishop leaving the band. Seems like this set will document Jeb's last (or near to last) tour with the V5.
  12. Peter

    Funny Rat

    Can't believe this is only my 2nd post to this thread! Can any body direcxt me to the Hamid Drake bashing thread? I dig him and am curious. Thanks.
  13. Plus Davis turned me on to Alan Lowe, who's "Dark Was the Night, Cold was the Ground" is a fine collection of recordings!!!
  14. I've never met Francis Davis, but I like his writing, read his stuff and find that the stuff he positvely reviews I generally like as well. I thought Matthew Shipp was terribly out of line in saying that Davis was racist back when Davis criticised many of the (largely black) "young lions" and praised many of the (largely white) "avant guard" of the day. I thought his correlation of trumpeters' styles with race was a reach and just unnecessary. (But then I don't like football writers talking about fast black receivers and slow white ones either.) And I thought Davis's description of Alan Shorter as "fucked up" in the VV recently was just plain mean. How about "troubled", "dogged by mental illness", etc.
  15. Peter

    Norwegian Jazz

    What Bev said!!!, Saw them with Vandermark 5 in Milwaukee last Summer & they were hot. No cold, sparse nordic jazz here!
  16. When the original price was $35 I got a burn. Since the price dropped to $12.95, I ordered an official copy. Perez never replied to my email complaining about the $35 price. But it seems he got the message. Maybe he was experimenting, seeing what the market would bear. Given that he did (what I think is) the right thing, I thought it only right that I buy a legit copy.
  17. For those capitalists out there, a second set is never a bad investment. I've done it.
  18. I just listed my Blue Mitchell Mosaic (CD) on ebay. No reserve. Bidding starts at $1. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...=ADME:B:LC:US:1
  19. I was thinking about selling my Curtis Fuller & Blue Mitchell Mosaics (both CD). Can anybody fill me in regarding going prices for these? Thanks.
  20. I'm a Lacy nut so I'll have to check that out. Thanks.
  21. Regarding the Fantasy remasters, got a question I hope someone can answer. Is the non-SACD program on the SACD hybrids K2 or conventional old mastering. I don't have a SACD cd player now and am unsure whether to go for the SACD hybrids or the K2s. Thanks.
  22. You can get the Rollins Prestige box at www.yourmusic.com for $35 including shipping if that makes your decision any easier. They also have some of this & Freelance years material as single discs remastered with SACD or 20 bit.
  23. I was hoping for Solstice. No takers for Willie the Lion Smith? It's good stuff. Ended up with two when I gave-up on caimen and they came thru after a couple months!
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