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  1. I've found that song really fun & wild for some time, including it on mixes, and such. There continually are revelations from the Monkees...
  2. John Lloyd Stephens, Incidents of Travel in Yucatan; Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chiapas, and Yucatan; and Incidents of Travel in Egypt, Arabia Petraea, and the Holy Land. Mark Twain, Roughing It; The Innocents Abroad Paul Wilhelm, Duke of Wurttemberg, Travels in North America, 1822-1824 More to come. I once took a class in travel literature (for lack of a better term). I'm inclined to the non-fiction variety though.
  3. More on it here: http://allthingsnuclear.org/tagged/Japan_nuclear Apparently they were storing spent fuel in reactors 4, 5, and 6.
  4. Dear Friend, Available early March 2011 two more CDs on the series hatOLOGY: hatOLOGY 681: Russ Lossing Trio : Oracle Russ Lossing - piano Masa Kamaguchi - bass Billy Mintz - drums Barcode: 7 52156 068129 NEW recording Russ Lossing continues to collaborate and create at a voracious pace… Though this disc marks a recording debut, this particular trio has been active for the past six years, operating out of the musical hotbed that exists around a handful of cross-pollinating venues in Brooklyn, New York. As Lossing describes it: “That’s where we developed our particular language as an ensemble in terms of the interdependence, functionality, and expressiveness of each individual within the whole. Each sacrifices something for the sound of the trio and in so doing nothing is lost from the one"… Testament to the trio’s shared fortitude, spontaneity also supplanted premeditation in the studio. Lossing pulled selections from a stack of pieces they had been working up and allowed the compass of collective experience to take over. The date was recorded without isolation or headphones in an intimate studio space. No second takes were necessary. – Derek Taylor Russ Lossing continue de collaborer et de créer à un rythme effréné... Bien que ce disque marque un premier enregistrement, ce trio a été actif au cours des six dernières années, opérant à partir du foyer musical constitué par quelques lieux cross-pollinisateurs à Brooklyn, New York. Comme Lossing l’explique : « C'est là que nous avons développé notre langage spécifique d’ensemble, caractérisé par l'interdépendance, la fonctionnalité et l'expressivité de chaque individu au sein d’une totalité. Chacun sacrifie quelque chose pour le style du trio et, ce faisant, n'y perd pourtant rien de lui-même »... Témoignage de la force partagée du trio, de la spontanéité qui supplante en studio la préparation. Lossing a établi une sélection de morceaux élaborés auparavant et a laissé la boussole de l'expérience collective donner l’orientation. Ce rendez-vous a été enregistré sans isolation ni casques dans un espace intime de studio. Aucune seconde prise n’a été nécessaire. - Derek Taylor hatOLOGY 697: Steve Lacy Five : Blinks...Zürich 1983 Steve Lacy - soprano saxophone Steve Potts - alto- & soprano saxophones Irène Aebi - cello, violin & voice Jean-Jacques Avenel - double bass Oliver Johnson - drums Barcode: 7 52156 069720 remastered & redesigned reissue On "Blinks", the listener hears the Steve Lacy group winning one of these games (kicking ass and taking names, as a friend of mine puts it), caught live 1983 in the big hall at the Rote Fabrik, Zürich. The band plays with such simultaneous together- ness and fire; they've already well-past cleared the ground and taken off as a cohesive ensemble, passed "stiff" period by, able to prod, push, surprise even itself. Just to hear Lacy take over soloing from Potts on "Blinks", like some Hendrix sharpened tendril of feedback: aggressive, interceptive, but continuous. Model of collectivity, balancing trust and risk. – John Corbett -------- Dear Friend, hatOLOGY 682 & 685 are available from our distributors. Best regards, Werner X. Uehlinger hatOLOGY 682: Pandelis Karayorgis Quintet : System Of 5 Matt Langley -tenor saxophone Jeff Galindo -trombone Pandelis Karayorgis -piano Jef Charland -double bass Luther Gray -drums Barcode: 7 52156 068228 NEW recording For this occasion Pandelis Karayorgis fronts a new band and so, drawing upon both his own and a few adapted tactics, System of 5 is a bit different….Refocusing our view of tradition from several distinctive contemporary perspectives, the music of System Of 5 seems somehow familiar and surprising at the same time. It’s difficult, but it’s what art is meant to do, and these musicians do it well. – Art Lange Pour l’occasion, Pandelis Karayorgis est à la tête d’un nouveau groupe. Mettant ainsi en œuvre à la fois ses propres stratégies de jeu et quelques autres adaptées, son album System Of 5 est un peu inhabituel... En recentrant notre vue sur la tradition à partir de plusieurs perspectives contemporaines caractéristiques, la musique de System Of 5 semble aussi familière que surprenante. Difficile certes, mais c'est ce que l'art est censé faire et ces musiciens le font bien. – Art Lange hatOLOGY 685: Anthony Braxton : Town Hall (Trio & Quintet) 1972 Trio: Anthony Braxton – alto saxophone Dave Holland – double bass Philip Wilson – drums Quintet: Anthony Braxton – alto- & soprano saxophones, flute, contrabass clarinet, soprano & B-flat clarinets and percussion John Stubblefield – tenor saxophone, flute, bass clarinet, gong and percussion Jeanne Lee – voice Dave Holland – double bass Barry Altschul – percussion and marimba Barcode: 7 52156 068525 remastered & redesigned reissue ***** reviews by customers on Amazon.com! By 1972 we still only had a vague and partial knowledge of Braxton’s more formal nature. So Town Hall was a “coming out” in one sense, albeit an atypical one. In some ways, this concert reminds us of Braxton’s roots in the collective experiences of the AACM, and at the same time anticipates the multi-logics and expanded resources of later endeavors. – Art Lange
  5. I screened it at Los Angeles Filmforum a couple of years ago. It is pretty darn good The show was lightly attended. Ron Mann said at that time that it was being remastered for what I presume was that DVD release. Pain in the ass, but do check it out if you haven't seen it.
  6. It looks like they are closing pretty much every one in Southern California.
  7. Also, of course, this is the Grammys, which have long been ridiculous, and this is the most ridiculous award at the Grammys, one that only creates embarrassment in this day and age. They really should get rid of it as a category, not say that it is one of the top categories. http://en.wikipedia....Best_New_Artist But the Beatles won it. So did Bob Newhart. They could alternatively create "Best Teen Boy Idol" as a category for Bieber, and whomever next's year's hot thing will be.
  8. Dear Friend, The early February releases: hatOLOGY 682: Pandelis Karayorgis Quintet : System Of 5 Matt Langley -tenor saxophone Jeff Galindo -trombone Pandelis Karayorgis -piano Jef Charland -double bass Luther Gray -drums Barcode: 7 52156 068228 NEW recording For this occasion Pandelis Karayorgis fronts a new band and so, drawing upon both his own and a few adapted tactics, System of 5 is a bit different….Refocusing our view of tradition from several distinctive contemporary perspectives, the music of System Of 5 seems somehow familiar and surprising at the same time. It’s difficult, but it’s what art is meant to do, and these musicians do it well. – Art Lange Pour l’occasion, Pandelis Karayorgis est à la tête d’un nouveau groupe. Mettant ainsi en œuvre à la fois ses propres stratégies de jeu et quelques autres adaptées, son album System Of 5 est un peu inhabituel... En recentrant notre vue sur la tradition à partir de plusieurs perspectives contemporaines caractéristiques, la musique de System Of 5 semble aussi familière que surprenante. Difficile certes, mais c'est ce que l'art est censé faire et ces musiciens le font bien. – Art Lange Pandelis Karayorgis hat nunmehr eine neue Band zusammengestellt, die sowohl seine eigenen wie auch einige auf die Situation abgestimmte Taktiken anwendet, sodass System Of 5 ein bisschen anders klingt ... Indem sie unserem Blick auf die Tradition ganz neue zeitgenössische Perspektiven eröffnet, erscheint uns die Musik auf System Of 5 irgendwie vertraut und hält doch so manche Überraschung bereit. Sie ist schwierig, macht aber auch das, was Kunst machen soll und hier das besondere Verdienst dieser Musiker ist.– Art Lange hatOLOGY 685: Anthony Braxton : Town Hall (Trio & Quintet) 1972 Trio: Anthony Braxton – alto saxophone Dave Holland – double bass Philip Wilson – drums Quintet: Anthony Braxton – alto- & soprano saxophones, flute, contrabass clarinet, soprano & B-flat clarinets and percussion John Stubblefield – tenor saxophone, flute, bass clarinet, gong and percussion Jeanne Lee – voice Dave Holland – double bass Barry Altschul – percussion and marimba Barcode: 7 52156 068525 remastered & redesigned reissue ***** reviews by customers on Amazon.com! By 1972 we still only had a vague and partial knowledge of Braxton’s more formal nature. So Town Hall was a “coming out” in one sense, albeit an atypical one. In some ways, this concert reminds us of Braxton’s roots in the collective experiences of the AACM, and at the same time anticipates the multi-logics and expanded resources of later endeavors. – Art Lange En 1972, nous n’avions encore qu’une connaissance vague et partielle de la nature structurelle de la musique de Braxton. Ainsi, Town Hall fut en un sens un «coming out», mais très atypique. À certains égards, ce concert nous rappelle que les racines de Braxton se trouvent dans les expériences collectives de l'AACM et, en même temps, il anticipe sur les ressources multi-logiques et élargies des tentatives ultérieures. – Art Lange Followed early March by: hatOLOGY 681: Russ Lossing Trio : Oracle Russ Lossing - piano Masa Kamaguchi - bass Billy Mintz - drums Barcode: 7 52156 068129 NEW recording Russ Lossing continues to collaborate and create at a voracious pace… Though this disc marks a recording debut, this particular trio has been active for the past six years, operating out of the musical hotbed that exists around a handful of cross-pollinating venues in Brooklyn, New York. As Lossing describes it: “That’s where we developed our particular language as an ensemble in terms of the interdependence, functionality, and expressiveness of each individual within the whole. Each sacrifices something for the sound of the trio and in so doing nothing is lost from the one"… Testament to the trio’s shared fortitude, spontaneity also supplanted premeditation in the studio. Lossing pulled selections from a stack of pieces they had been working up and allowed the compass of collective experience to take over. The date was recorded without isolation or headphones in an intimate studio space. No second takes were necessary. – Derek Taylor hatOLOGY 697: Steve Lacy Five : Blinks...Zürich 1983 Steve Lacy - soprano saxophone Steve Potts - alto- & soprano saxophones Irène Aebi - cello, violin & voice Jean-Jacques Avenel - double bass Oliver Johnson - drums Barcode: 7 52156 069720 remastered & redesigned reissue ***** reviews by customers on Amazon.com! On "Blinks", the listener hears the Steve Lacy group winning one of these games (kicking ass and taking names, as a friend of mine puts it), caught live 1983 in the big hall at the Rote Fabrik, Zürich. The band plays with such simultaneous together- ness and fire; they've already well-past cleared the ground and taken off as a cohesive ensemble, passed "stiff" period by, able to prod, push, surprise even itself. Just to hear Lacy take over soloing from Potts on "Blinks", like some Hendrix sharpened tendril of feedback: aggressive, interceptive, but continuous. Model of collectivity, balancing trust and risk. – John Corbett Best regards, Werner X. Uehlinger Hat Hut Records LTD. Box 521 4020 Basel, Switzerland wxu.hathut.com@bluewin.ch Phone +41.61.373.0773 http://www.hathut.com
  9. Went to the Olmec show at LACMA last week, and intend to get to the William Eggleston show there this week before it closes. I have a long interest in Mesoamerican archaeology. Also went to Suprasensorial and The Artists Museum at MOCA at the Geffen a week or two ago. Even went swimming in the pool in the Suprasensorial show. http://www.moca.org/ Actually, only saw about half of the Artists Museum show at the Geffen, and there is more at the branch on Grand Ave. Huge show.
  10. 1986 or 87, junior year of college, two years before I had any sort of CD player to play it on, but friends had players: The Waterboys - Fisherman's Blues
  11. It was enjoyable, but I actually felt the film was not long enough. It felt like scenes were missing, that they found the man too quickly. And the characters of Brolin & Damon were underdeveloped, like each should have had another scene. She was too, although the film (and the book?) are from her recollected point of view, so it makes sense that she is present for every scene, whether as observer or motivating force. In a way, it seemed to have a flaw that many Hollywood movies have for me - too short, every scene advancing the plot, not enough character moments or observations of the world. Of course, most people think that's how films should be - move them quickly, keep advancing the plot, cut a nice picture. But most people seem to prefer movie entertainment to be rooted in distraction (or escapism)(from the real world), and I tend to prefer entertainment in absorption, which requires greater depth. Of course I can go for the escapist lark (I did for Scott Pilgrim, for example), but I think i wanted more in this, and it wasn't there (to me). Westerns always seem best to me when a good story also serves as commentary on contemporary times, and this one didn't seem to, that it didn't have deeper intentions in mind. Lots of entertaining moments, but I don't think it will stick with me. Larry, you're not the first to see the borrowings from Night of the Hunter... <br clear="all">
  12. Hi, Quick question. Where does one find the original Illinois Jacquet "Flying Home" that made a star of him and "invented" the honking sax? I thought it was JATP First Concert 1944, but it's not on that CD. Also not on the Verve Best of Illinois Jacquet, and not in the Mosaic Lionel Hampton. Bit more research: It was the Lionel Hampton Orchestra performance of 1942. Is the correct one on this box? http://www.amazon.com/History-Rhythm-Blues-1-1925-1942/dp/B001IFSA4O/ref=pd_sim_m_1 There's also this: http://www.amazon.com/Lionel-Hampton-1942-1945-Flying-Home/dp/B000H7G5AA/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1293935905&sr=8-1
  13. More thoughts from all youse? Pacific Rim seems to be available here: http://www.jdprinc.com/shop/category.asp?catid=18 vs Can-Am same dimensions, Pacific Rim cheaper. Debating about the exterior finishes on them. http://www.can-am.ca/CD-storage-DVD-storage.htm Sleeves. I would like to include the back tray card, but sleeves that include it seem to be 6 1/8", where both Pacific Rim & Can-Am drawers are 6" tall. Anyone use sleeves in the Pacific Rim or Can-Am. What kind of sleeves? Here are a few sites for sleeves: http://www.cdrom2go.com/catalog/cd-storage-sleeves-and-binder-pages_690.htm http://www.sleevetown.com/plastic-cd-sleeves.shtml http://www.jewelsleeve.com That last one is the 6 1/8" kind.
  14. My older brother has an eBook set up with Amazon, and its working well enough. You know, not lots of sales, but goes easily enough. You provide an HTML file for them to print from, not a PDF.
  15. I actually just did a rough count, since I need to rethink my shelving and do some unloading. About 2700 CDs (including those in odd boxes, such as Mosaics - might be a bit more than that), and a few hundred LPs. Also a few hundred cassettes. I'd like to get the CDs down to 2000, but it's a pretty solid collection, if I must say so. What do people do for shelving? I can't really afford Can-Am, but open bookshelf after open bookshelf just isn't doing it for me anymore. We've had storage threads before. I'll go find one. edit: oh, also about 51,000 songs on iTunes, which would last over 4 months without repeating.
  16. Adam

    Vi Redd

    Thanks for that reference! I was just interviewing Big Jay McNeely today (for the first time of several for a documentary I'm making on him), and he mentioned Vi Redd. She was daughter of Alma Hightower, a key music instructor in Los Angeles whom many people here learned from, including Jay. He really respects both. By the way, no one currently knows of any footage of Big Jay (or indeed of Central Avenue) from his (and its) hey day in the late 1940s/early 1950s. None, literally. Any of you happen to know any other obscure sources.
  17. Updated link: http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/file-not-found-the-record-industrys-digital-storage-crisis-20101207
  18. Using a piece of "American Look" in a documentary I've been working on. It is fabulous. Watched a nice print of it from Rick at a presentation he did at the Orphans Film Symposium West in 2009 that I helped organise. Seeing it on the big screen was amazing, as were other works that he showed from the Jam Handy Company that made them for GM (Chevrolet, to be precise).
  19. My deepest sympathies to you and your family in this most difficult of times. Adam
  20. Adam

    Nels Cline

    I have the work phone number for his brother Alex and for Jeff Gauthier at Cryptogramophone, and for Rocco Somazi, who constantly books him in town. Will any of those do, or only his home land line?
  21. I used to get my espresso beans from Peet's, and now generally get it from Urth caffe in Los Angeles. http://www.urthcaffe.com/ They have good food too.
  22. RIP. Such beauty. The photo the LA Times ran with it in the print edition is so good - but not online. The LA Times obit: http://www.latimes.c...eonard-20100816,0,7645918.story Bob Willoughby last November, Gottlieb, Leonard...
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