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    • Unfortunately I have found that the sets released in the last decade or so tend to be the ones that go for the most on CD these days. I think a lot of this has to do with the fact that very few were actually manufactured and sold, certainly well below the limit. This is when the sets started to only be around for months, if not in came cases even weeks. Referring to, for instance: Coleman Hawkins, James P. Johnson, Earl Hines, Chick/Ella, Louis Live, Beehive, Savoy/Dial, Woody Shaw Muse, Condon/Freeman, Teddy Wilson. The last two Selects (Tolliver & Rivers) are the same-- based on how much I see them on the resale market vs. the other titles I would really wonder if more than a few hundred were even made. If I recall these went OOP pretty much immediately.  Some that directly precede this era also go for quite a bit, but I think this has more to do with the popularity/desirability of the music, i.e. Braxton, Threadgill, Mingus 64/65, Clifford Jordan, Ahmad Jamal. Otherwise, with a few exceptions previously mentioned (Ferguson, Basie Live Roulette, Nat King Cole, etc.) I find a lot of the 90s/early 00s CD sets especially do not go for all that much anymore. I have acquired a bunch in the last year or two for $50 or less. Frankly the only thing keeping some of these sets above bargain prices at all is the Mosaic aura. Much of the music is losing its audience rapidly. As far as most valuable non-monetarily? If we're talking about the sweet spot between musical quality and (lack of) availability of the material, I would posit the Mingus Workshop set, where some of the material is *only* available there and is all of astounding musical quality. I would also never want to give up my Bradford/Carter Select due to the extra tracks and unreleased session.  One final gripe! Most of the Singles do not go for much at all, except the Helen Merrill/Dick Katz, which people try to sell for absurd sums online for reasons I frankly cannot quite grasp. I have both of the EmArcy EU CDs of this music, but I would love a copy of the Mosaic someday as well. 
    • Like a freight train.  RIP.
    • As Dex would say - "Keeping it Real.......Alex Riel"  
    • It will.  The Apple web page I linked to above states: Consolidate your files in the Music folder Depending on how you imported items into Music, some items in your library might be stored in different locations (for example, in another folder or on another storage device). You can consolidate all the files in your library in the Music folder—for example, to make it easier to move your library to a new computer. In the Music app  on your Mac, choose File > Library > Organize Library. Select “Consolidate files.” Files remain in their original locations, and copies are placed in the default folder.   So it will copy, not move, your music files into Apple Music's preferred folder.  That protects your files from being lost or corrupted during the moving process, which is good, but it will duplicate your files.  You could simply delete the files from the original location once the move is complete (and then make sure to empty the trash).  But it could be a problem if you don't have enough hard drive space to hold duplicates of all your music files.  Instead, you could do the process on a folder-by-folder basis: Take a folder of music you know doesn't open in Apple Music, and drag that folder into the A.M. program window (when I do this, I have the program open to the "Songs" view).  See if those tracks will then play through A.M. and, if so, delete those files from their original location.
    • In looking at the release on Qobuz, it says2018?  Is there a link for the newest release?
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