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Everything posted by jlhoots

  1. The store actually had something I wanted. Bought the new Geri Allen solo piano CD for $10 & change.
  2. Bad mistake. I'd be less calm about it than you are. I would particularly object to that "call back next Tuesday" response.
  3. Does anyone know if this is the Chicago pianist? Anyone know anything about it? MG According to Bruyninckx: Wright Changes & Choices John Wright (p) Chris Giles (b) Steve Carow (d) Chicago, Ill., June 26, 1994 Blue Monk Please send me someone to love Watermelon man Evelyn John Brown's body My funny Valentine Summertime Why did I choose you ? The preacher Interplay/Norma (Jap)NLP9506, 5627 (CD) So, yes, I guess it IS the Chicago pianist Thanks - adding it to my list. MG Yikes!! $32.99 at Dusty Groove. They also have a Billy Wallace Trio at the same price. ? better price anywhere else?
  4. jlhoots

    Archie Shepp

    Haden recorded with Shepp, and in the notes to Mama Too Tight Shepp says he'd love to be able to get Haden in his regular band, so it's quite possible that Haden gigged with Shepp. [i can't believe I remember minutia from liner notes...] Also no Moncur in the band I saw, but definitely Howard Johnson.
  5. jlhoots

    Archie Shepp

    I saw this band at Lennie's On The Turnpike outside of Boston. It's 40+ years ago, but I seem to "remember" Charlie Haden on bass. Could that be correct?
  6. Ben Goldberg Qt.: Baal Nels Cline: Initiate
  7. jlhoots

    Geri Allen

    She's no slouch on the 2 quartet CDs with Ornette. Not exactly recent, but still great.
  8. I'm watching it. Have been there since Season 1. Pretty intense. Is Logan the next to go down? I definitely won't miss the last 3 hours.
  9. This has "incited" me to get my Revenant set out & relisten carefully.
  10. More News For Lulu finally reissued. Got my copy from Squidco.
  11. You are correct, sir!
  12. Yes, I got my copy from Red Octopus. They were very helpful in getting me through their on-line ordering process. What a shame they've closed! IMO both volumes are excellent and deserve to be more widely available. I obtained mine from Dusty Groove. However, that's a long time ago.
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