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Everything posted by jlhoots

  1. Me too. Wouldn't be without it. Classic.
  2. Since we seem to be going back & forth here, I'll add my 2 cents worth & say that I enjoy his playing very much.
  3. E. Dankworth is Wynton Marsalis - right?? Still an interesting lineup. Will be interested in how it goes.
  4. I cancelled the Roland Hanna after 2+ months. They were very nice about it & said they could still get it. I bought it elsewhere for $5 less & had it in 3 days. I'd probably still try them again if there was something I didn't think I could get anywhere else.
  5. I've got this one. Marc Johnson on bass, Paul Motian on drums. Very nice.
  6. The other 2 I suggested in my earlier post in this thread are also worth getting.
  7. Allow me to suggest: Straight Ahead (Ray Anderson on trombone): Enja 5077 -1989 Hot Stuff: Enja 79654 - 1990 Take Off (Roy Hargrove, Ray Anderson, Joe Locke, Lonnie Plaxico, etc.): Verve 314 527 664-2 - 1995
  8. The Konitz looks good to me.
  9. I'll certainly buy this if it comes out - but what about Compulsion & Andrew!!! I know - that's being "greedy".
  10. Episode was directed by Mike Figgis. Pretty good.
  11. I bought the 4 CD Baker / Mulligan too. Couldn't resist.
  12. If it's the only one you need, why not "bite the bullet" & get it from Dusty Groove. That's where I got mine. It might be out of stock, but if it is they'll probably get it back in.
  13. You gotta buy this stuff when it's reissued. I have the Japanese mini-LP version & happy that I do.
  14. And 6 Feet Under returns in June. Wonder what's going on with The Wire.
  15. It's still the best show on television. Otherwise we wouldn't discuss it this much. BTW, Deadwood (IMHO) continues to improve.
  16. I'll get the Hill (finally) & (with a little trepidation) the Young. The others I have in satisfactory (to me ) versions or don't care about.
  17. I saw Bobby Bradford & a current version of the Mo'tet in Albuquerque recently at the Outpost Performance Space. He played well. I picked up a recent CD called Live at the LACMA for $10. 4 extended (10-19 minute) cuts by a septet. I've only listened once & haven't digested it yet. So far, so good. It's on Water Boy records. Not sure of availability.
  18. 75, sunny, no humidity, crystal clear blue sky.
  19. Yes there are. Pick up a copy of the Chicago Reader for a good listing. Where you'll go depends on what you want to hear.
  20. Keith Jarrett - not that he plays clubs very often.
  21. To each his own. How about Marilyn Crispell instead?
  22. Sonny Stitt: Endgame (for $5.50 on e-bay, my first e-bay purchase in many months). Woody Shaw: Little Red's Fantasy from a board member Bill Barron: Tenor Stylings
  23. Virginia Mayhew Lynne Arriale
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