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Everything posted by Homefromtheforest

  1. Mal Waldron "free at last" (ECM, Germany..first issue with gatefold cover and sheet music booklet enclosed)
  2. Next up in vol.5 is the "Miles plays the banjo" concert...
  3. Joe Chambers & Friends "chamber music" (Baystate, Japan). If only the Taylor/Oxley was recorded like this album George Otsuka "physical structure" (3 Blind Mice, Japan)
  4. I should play that Taylor/Oxley record again myself some day. I bought it when it was released but recall being let down by the sound; it's good but not as "audiophile" as the label hinted at the time. Also remains the most expensive "new" record/cd I have ever bought!
  5. V/A "guitar workshop" (union, Japan) great album with Masayuki Takayanagi, Kiyoshi Sugimoto, etc. 2nd pressing but got it at a dirt cheap price so no complaints... Masahiko Sato "palladium" (express, Japan red vinyl). Simply a classic...incredible music and sound quality. Brilliant album that I have not played in over 10 years..long overdue listen here.
  6. Ha! Awesome. Was just playing their debut full length in my car lately courtesy of a CDR I made from my LP(with its ash ra temple-derived foldout cover!). Must have seen them live at least 10 times since 1989...the last time I saw them the gig was sold out and I had no tickets. Saw Mark Arm walking down the street and I told my friends to hang tight..I caught up with him and he was super cool. I happened to be wearing a vintage circa '89 Mudhoney t-shirt that he thought was cool and he put me and my friends on the guest list!
  7. That's a title I got a few years ago as a Japanese King pressing. Sounds sublime. I don't really want to fork out the dough for a clean "ear" original :0 ....but I can't say I'm not jealous!
  8. A classic! I have minty originals of all 3...the first is the best though. I spun some German prog today myself: Gila "s/t" (second battle) Ibliss "supernova" (speigelie)
  9. Nice! I have a later single sleeve Japanese press; one fine day I'll throw down the dough for an original SABA... Can your Japanese friend send me an original Union pressing of "independence"? Or I guess I can settle for an original "amalgamation" or "2 to 10 saxophone adventure" ;)
  10. I just played my nm stereo copy of "our man in jazz" myself a few nights ago! It is indeed a great sounding album...I bought the complete village gate box but have not listened to it yet.
  11. I only got to see him perform once (in a duo with Kenny Wheeler) but have many albums and CDs that he performs on. A great pianist...sad news.
  12. Metabolist "hansten klork" (dromm, UK). Found this earlier today at a record store in Victoria, BC. Nice condition and priced cheaply enough for me to finally buy it after many years of being interested in picking it up. Good stuff in a lo-fi This Heat meets Magma way. next up: Kenny Wheeler "deer wan" (ECM, Germany). A classic; I think this original German pressing is a hair more dynamic sounding then my Japanese pressing of this.
  13. Good news! Was a big fan and read it since the beginning as a young kid...
  14. Masahiko Togashi/Yuji Takahashi "twilight" (denon, Japan)
  15. Don Rendell/Ian Carr 5tet "live" (Columbia lansdowne, UK) Masahiko Togashi "variation" (Takt, Japan)
  16. I'd be curious to hear if it is indeed a boot. I have a nice clean sounding original but bought this reissue upon release just to compare. It sounds good but not *quite* as dynamic as the original. I asked the label repeatedly if it was sourced from the master tape but never got a clear answer.
  17. Very sad to hear this! I have pretty much all his early albums and they're are many gems amongst them. Sad I never got to see him live.
  18. Well my local record store is overrun with used CDs. They used to give decent trade in/cash value years ago but now you'd be lucky to get $2 cash per cd and $3 trade, and that would be on "good" CDs. I also know many people that just download new releases now and no longer care for the physical format. Also, where I live, all the retail chain music stores have long since shut down.
  19. One could argue that CDs in general are becoming less and less desirable.
  20. Alexander - I really hope I can make it but it will be a last minute decision. Have a baby and toddler to contend with; if they go to sleep easy and on time that night I'll drive down. If not then...a collapse on the couch will be in order instead I saw Louis Moholo last time he played the vancouver jazz festival with the Dedication Orchestra and in a quartet with Evan Parker..it was fantastic so fingers crossed I can come out. If I do I'll certainly introduce myself!
  21. I have nearly all these titles on AP mono vinyl and they sound fantastic. I'm also anxiously awaiting the stereo Dolphy issues although that recent Japanese SHM CD of "outward bound" sounds superb!
  22. I'll hope to have some time to give it a try!
  23. I have that Sun Ra on French Atlantic too; it is a great album but my copy is a slightly noisy pressing - looks mint but it's crackly in spots
  24. The afflicted mans music box is a great compilation; still have my copy as well! And of course MANY great artists on the NWW list. I find the first NWW album unlistenable, but really enjoy "spiral Insana" and "ostrananie 1913" - my favorite NWW albums. I was a big fan of Organum and HNAS too!
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