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chris olivarez

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Everything posted by chris olivarez

  1. Nina Simone died at her home in France on Monday at the age of 70.I'll never forget that line in the Bridget Fonda move where she was being held a prisoner and was demanding some good music to listen to-some Nina Simone.
  2. A friend of mine told me tonight that one of the stats that they keep on pitchers was one called whip and he wanted to know what it meant and I didn't know.If anyone knows what that stat means I would appreciate hearing from you but if you don't feel free to insert joke here.
  3. The Broncos need help on both lines and the Raiders just need as much young talent as they can lay their hands on.The 49ers probably could use some defensive help.
  4. Rooster Ties-Your observations might have hit the nail on the head. I was ok with the playlist at least some of it on your KC station and others selections just reinforced some of the revulsion that I'm feeling towards this format. Jazzmoose-I wonder if your station is independently programmed or if it's part of a large chain? There seems to be at least some originality in their approach. What bugs me about this format is that black artists who did so much to vault this music to prominence are once again getting the short shrift.In the 50's their music was covered a lot and it seems the playlist on a lot of these stations is an insidious variation on what happened in the 50's.
  5. I would have loved to hear his Guitar Slim stories.Adios to this great blues royalty.
  6. Just curious but is the remaster SACD or SACD hybrid.Personally I liked Stills work on "Super Session" but didn't he have to step in because of some reliability issues with Mike Bllomfield? Overall though I prefer the work of Bloomfield.He was my first guitar hero.
  7. Does "Boss Tenors in Orbit" meet the greezy standards?
  8. B3-er is there no record label that is willing to put Dr.Lonnie on a cd? Thats pathetic. As for freaking out those old white people-I love it!!!!
  9. When I've had a chance to listen to oldies radio stations some things appears to me to be missing. Maybe it's just a perception issue with me but those things(artists)that appear to be MIA are(1)Motown (2)British "invasion"artists save for the Beatles(more specifically Stones,Yardbirds and the Animals as opposed to Brit bubblegum dreck).(3)Artists such as James Brown,Sam Cooke and the Impressions.(4)Later 60's artists such as Hendrix and the Cream. One has to wonder about a format that values the Archies over Marvin Gaye. Maybe it's just me but I would appreciate hearing from someone who has spent anytime listening to one of these radio stations especially recently but any and all comments would be appreciated.
  10. No disrespect for Jordan,Magic,Dr J,Wilt or Kareem but the athlete of the century should have been Muhammad Ali.
  11. After various situations,poverty,illness,both or fill in the blank,traveling anywhere in something other than adverse weather conditions seems like a really neat idea.
  12. I'd love to hear anything by Tom Waits on country radio.Now you talk about messing someone's mind up!
  13. Danasgoodstuff-It already sounds better than "Teddy Bear">
  14. Isn't Texas the state where if you can polish off a huge steak you don't have to pay for it? Well if that's the case then Kelly Clarkson's against their principles because this one is all sizzle and no steak.
  15. This just brought back a terrible flashback! Many years back I came home from lunch to discover a Sesame Street record on my turntable where a copy of Kenny Burrell's "Up the Street,Round the Corner and Down the Block was when I left. Silly me since it was my turntable I removed the offending disk from it,put Kenny back on and started to play it.Well as far as the child who put his disk on my turntable was concerned this just wouldn't do and he came in the room and tried to put his record back on the turntable but not before he put a big scratch on the entire side of the Kenny Burrell record.BTW the child was that of the person who was my rommate at the time. I didn't do anything that I regretted(like time)but I was not pleased.
  16. Is there a website for all this amazing music that one might visit?
  17. If I'm with someone who can't hang with whatever I'm listening to I try to find something they can hang with and I usually have an idea about it in advance. So far as general listening is concerned I can listen to just about anything when I'm traveling though something like an RVG or Mosaic is best appreciated on a proper system.
  18. I used to have that until someone ripped it from me . I guess it's time to search for it again.
  19. I'm a sports fan but I try to keep it in perspective and not cross the line. One thing that helps me is a comment that was made by Jerry Coleman who played ball for the Yankees, managed the Padres and was a broadcaster for San Diego. Coleman once said "it's just a game the sun will shine tomorrow" and IMO that sums it up pretty well.
  20. I don't really know if they got the ball rolling on this but "NYPD Blue" comes to mind Dennis Franz saying asshole and other assorted expletives.
  21. I just thought of a few more: (1)Ambitious-Jeff Beck.He had guest vocalists making cameos on this one with performances that ranged from silly to surprisingly good.Of course the highlight is some smoking guitar work from Mr.Beck. (2)Bad is Bad-Huey Lewis & the News.Video isn't all that hot but the song is pretty cool. (3)Self Control-Laura Branigan.Guilty pleasure. Here's another vote for Weird Al's "I Lost at Jeopardy".That was funny! BTW what is Martha Quinn up to these days?
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