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Uncle Skid

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Everything posted by Uncle Skid

  1. Not on EMusic yet... but hopefully will be added soon.
  2. Kelan Phil Cohran and The Legacy of Sun Ra - Millennium Park, Chicago Jimmy Heath & Heath Brothers Quartet - Jazz Showcase
  3. Roscoe Mitchell - Nonaah King Oliver - Off The Record: The Complete 1923 Jazz Band Recordings Anthony Braxon - Quartet (Birmingham)
  4. If this CD is successful in triggering memories from the '70s, I'm definitely in! Memories from the 70's? I assume this means this it will remind me of the Saturday Night Fever soundtrack, Boston's Don't Look Back, and the release of the solo records from each member of KISS??? Awesome, I'm in, too!!
  5. This might be the best $12 I've spent in a long time... this set is terrific! The Best of Duke Ellington: 1932-1939 (4 CD Set)
  6. You do need more! Start buyin' CDs like it's your birfday!
  7. It was back up to $8.96 for awhile (plus $2.98 shipping), but now it's back down to $7.65. Talk about a "no-brainer"! :rsmile:
  8. I love wandering in to these "running low" threads knowing I already own the set in question!
  9. Anybody heard this one yet? This is one I'll buy based just on personnel -- looks interesting. The Beautiful Enabler Rudresh Mahanthappa (alto sax); Mark Dresser (double bass); Gerry Hemingway (drums)
  10. Do you know if he rescinded that OK when it was clear that the Mosaic was coming out? Just curious.
  11. From the blog in question: "I just love jazz" "exploring my favorite records of the past is a thing I want to share with you" "Keep your comments coming in order to let me know that my work is appreciated." (emphasis added) I have no doubt this is a well-intentioned person, a "true fan" of the music, whatever that means. BUT: "my work"??? C'mon. Ripping an LP (even carefully, at high quality) and posting to a blog does not consititute "work". Any dipshit with a sound card and an internet connection can do that. So, what bothers me is this: it takes a certain amount of arrogance to unilaterally decide that taking ANY (yes, even OOP) record and posting it to the entire world is OK. If this (or any other) blogger made ANY attempt to contact the artist, record label, copyright owner, etc., PRIOR to posting (and documented it), I might feel differently. I see no evidence of this. I vaguely recall one blogger mentioning that he had contacted Anthony Braxton regarding some OOP material, but he/she is certainly in the vast minority.
  12. Newly added stuff from New World Records: Cecil Taylor: 3 Phasis Cecil Taylor Unit Muhal Richard Abrams/Marty Ehrlich: Open Air Meeting Also, Andrew Hill - Les trinitaires
  13. From a user on Emusic: "If you are interested in hearing the concert in chronological order--or at least in the sequence as recorded by Prestige--here is the set list (according to Vladimir Simosko and Barry Tepperman's discography): 1) Status Seeking, 2) God Bless the Child (solo!), 3) Aggression, 4) Like Someone in Love, 5) Fire Waltz, 6) Bee Vamp, 7) The Prophet, 8) Number Eight (Potsa Lotsa), 9) Booker's Waltz, 10) Bee Vamp (alternate take). " Thanks!
  14. What is the "recorded order" of this material? It's not obvious from the discographies I've consulted. Looks like ten tracks total.
  15. The "Babe Thread": it may have been shut down years ago, but it never really goes away!
  16. Southern Tier India Pale Ale. Brewed in Lakewood, New York (near Jamestown)... apparently named for the "Southern Tier Expressway" (I-86/US17) which I've driven many times... very scenic route across the southern border of New York. I've been on an IPA kick the last month or so... wasn't a big fan before, but that has changed. :rsmile:
  17. "A to Ericka" from the AEC Box Set. Holy crap!
  18. If you don't like Budweiser, you suck. You'll find me at the beer tent, drinkin' out of cups. So, you think you are Johnny Hammerbuds? Yeah, right. Not now, not never. Not even with an orange.
  19. If you don't like Budweiser, you suck. You'll find me at the beer tent, drinkin' out of cups.
  20. I'm bettin' that there's a whole lot bowling alleys that won't be pouring Bud this fall. Anybody remember the Budweiser strike a few years back? Not too many places with Stella Artois on tap 'round here!
  21. Hans, I have one for sale... but I don't have paypal set up to accept payments. Will PM sometime today or tomorrow...
  22. That's a great cd! I hope I didn't imply otherwise! Good beer on tap, "Happy 'Cause I'm Goin' Home" on the turntable.... aw, yeah!!!!!
  23. Any bets on what music is playin' at SS1's love crib? Here's one vote for Charles Earland's Intensity... Always wanted a kegerator at my house... and also glad I don't have one.
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