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Uncle Skid

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Everything posted by Uncle Skid

  1. The hell with the cake... I'll have one of whatever catesta is drinking! Happy Birthday, FFA!!
  2. Matana Roberts - The Chicago Project Keefe Jackson's Project Project - Just Like This It appears that I've decided to only buy CDs that have "Project" in the title.
  3. I was on hold with Comcast tech support the other day... "One For Daddy-O" came on. Great tune, horrible tech support.
  4. My brother-in-law just bought a Hummer H3. I think I'll forward this article to him. Or maybe I'll send him to this site instead!
  5. Search the archives before posting a new thread, aloc! http://www.organissimo.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=28308
  6. I'm partial to the Tin Man, myself.
  7. Yes. Assuming you're running some flavor of windoze, it will show up as a "removable drive", but otherwise behave just like it is installed internally.
  8. Lots of interesting Sackville titles -- thanks for the tip, mrjzee. Downloading this one right now: Roscoe Mitchell Quartet - Spencer Barefield, Muhal Richard Abrams, George Lewis.
  9. :party: "Sing for the Day"... it's Big Al's Birfday!!! "The Message": Hope you have a great day!
  10. I've have no idea what you guys are talking about, but "Agg-ravation" cracks me up. So sayeth Uncle Diks.
  11. Uncle Skid

    Amy Winehouse

    I heard that "Back to Rehab" song on the radio, but heard it from the middle of the song to the end. I thought I was hearing a bad Ronettes outtake when I heard the famous chorus. Yeesh! As usual, I'm very late to the party. As with the Sharon Jones party, I'm glad I eventually showed up. I'm pretty much oblivious to all the hype that surrounds her, and couldn't care less about it. Big Al, you need to reconsider: "Back to Rehab" is one of the weaker tunes on this record, IMHO. I don't listen to the radio much, but "You Know I'm No Good" is a much better single. More importantly: three songs in a row: "Back in Black", "Love is a Losing Game", and "Tears Dry on Their Own" is some seriously good pop. Count me in the "she's got talent" camp. In many ways, this record reminds me of this earlier discussion: What? No thread on the Dana Owens album. Certainly not the same "vibe", but, like "The Dana Owens Album", there's some stuff that really "works" on this record, at least for me.
  12. Mike Doughty - Golden Delicious And slowly picking away at Braxton's "9 Compositions (Iridium) 2006". "more music than I know what to do with", indeed.
  13. Try this (on google): "branford marsalis" eternal site:organissimo.org Sometimes that will work better than the local search engine.
  14. A cold, clear, and crisp night here. Took this picture right outside my front door.
  15. My copy arrived today, $22.97, including shipping. I was familiar with some of this music via EMusic downloads, but it's very nice to have the CDs, booklet, and extra tracks. Quick shipping from Newbury; no remainder mark on the bar code. Thank you, Ron!!
  16. Grand Valley State University - Jazz Combo & Orchestra, Tim Froncek, Director. Great concert and some outstanding young soloists.
  17. Not cool, not warning us in advance that link would launch some godawful Dave Koz music. Repeated listenings will reveal a great deal of beauty for some open-eared listeners, Dan. A friend of mine is going on that cruise, and invited me because he "knew I liked jazz". I politely declined.
  18. Dude, we'll all pool our money and loan you $7,500. Penthouse Suite on the Smooth Jazz Cruise.
  19. who else would be inviting us to goto wyntonmarsalis.org? xricci?
  20. Well, that sounds more interesting than hearing Kenny G in a Starbucks!
  21. Careful, Chuck. Don't you have a Dell desktop, too?
  22. This thread = live chat in slow motion. No cover, two drink minimum.
  23. You're probably right, Dan. But, it does seem to me that the phrase is often applied to music that isn't all that far from "conventional", whatever that is! Are you admitting you're "close-eared"??
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