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  1. Past hour
  2. Vanessa Da Mata “Sim” Partly recorded in Jamaica with Sly and Robbie, and an appearance by Ben Harper. 900×1200 89.4 KB
  3. Today
  4. This is one that doesn't get donated to the library after reading!!!
  5. I see that the new Cal Tjader at the Penthouse is now available at YT Music.
  6. One of their best for sure. I still put the whole run with Edward Wilkerson in a class by themself. Wilkerson is always a differentiator!
  7. AFAIK all of the Fantasy material was stored at the Iron Mountain facility after the Fantasy building was sold. Most reissues/box sets released after that had already been conceived at that point. I have no idea who the responsible people at Craft are - they now handle all reissues - and what their criteria are. The new finds of Vince Guaraldi recordings suggest there could be some unreleased Tjader material as well, especially from live dates, but who knows? New finds in recent years were live recordings from other sources, like the double CDs on Acrobat and Elemental.
  8. Wow, nice cover but surprising to see. Thanks for posting. I used to run over the Williamsburg Bridge occasionally, back in the day.
  9. I think I was shutout, here. I know I'm in a bit of a funk today, but the first part of the test missed hard. After that I actually enjoyed listening to most of it, but more as background. It happens. Track 01 - First phrase had me kind of excited, but this head is a bit mathy for my taste. It's good, and they can play, but you really feel the energy kind of lag once the improv begins. Almost like they're not in the same room (to my ear). I'm sure I'm just being a curmudgeon, but it seems to lack dynamics. I like the tenor player's sound, but it's got that same thing going on. Crazy technique on both players, but I'm just not convinced they mean any of it. There's a guy who posts horns he's selling on FB, and he can play like this (and does so to demonstrate the horns), but after about three horn ads, you realize it's just a memorized series of patterns. It's impressive technique, but there's no story to it. As Henry Threadgill has said, "muscle memory can be a dangerous thing." I like the bass solo, but the drummer needs some decaf (let it breathe, MF!). Impressive mucisianship, but the track is a miss for me. Track 02 - Nope. Reminds me of Vijay Ayer's Fieldwork. It's interesting, but seems more busy than musical. Maybe I'm just old. 4:30 is all I could take. Track 03 - A thousand percent more to my liking. A touch of Pharoah in the tone. Right up until about the 2 minute mark when we go full-on into the practice room. I just don't understand why technical facility needs to translate as boring. Maybe I'm just old. It's a nice melody, and they clearly can play, I just wish they'd stayed with what the melody sets up for them. Sometimes I'm bothered that I don't get out to check out "new" stuff that much... this is why. Track 04 - This one hits better than the last -- I like the trend. Arrangement is interesting without getting in the way. There's a story here. My ears are telling me these are older (maybe over 50) players. So far, I don't know anybody for sure, but these are unique voices, particularly the alto. It stays within itself and remains musical throughout. Arco bass! What the hell happened to THAT technique!?! Everything about this one works, even the busy head. Track 05 - Really like this. Has a Cecil Bridgewater feel to it. Quirky and angular, but the story is here. Again, they're staying within what they setup, and it doesn't try to do to much; it doesn't have to. Track 06 - This didn't really hit me in any direction. It was pleasant enough, but about 5 minutes in, I realized I wasn't really listening. Nothing wrong with it, just didn't grab my attention. Track 07 - Another pleasant listen, but not really grabbing my full focus. That's a description, not a criticism. The last two tracks have been just about perfect for me to continue working on things. I'm enjoying them enough to focus on the task at hand, but not really connecting with the music. Track 08 - Happy Birthday (I'm going to murder you in your sleep). Meh. Just, why? Track 09 - That's Fathead. I could listen to him play ballads all day long. The story. It's here. Track 10 - A powerful tenor sound, and certainly a guy who has listen to Fathead. I don't care for the "squiggle" he's putting on notes for affect, but on the whole, I like this. There is thought, here. It's a modern guy, but not someone who just sheds their Brecker. And as soon as I type that, he starts ripping the altissimo lines I was critical of on an earlier cut. Still, this feels real to me. Not sure I'd buy it, but if I were seeing this live, I'd have no complaints. Track 11 - Gonna sound weird, but I know that count off. Huh... maybe not. I have something in my collection that starts like that, though. Track 12 - Didn't care for that beat right off the bat. Can't explain why. It just clashed for me. Trends a bit commercial for my taste. Reminds me a bit of some of what I've heard from our host. Tenor reminds me a bit of Sean Berry. Hmm... kinda has to be Alfredson, doesn't it? Nothing wrong, here, just not in my wheel house. My ear wants Fred Wesley to be playing trombone, but it's not to be. Track 13 - A-ha! THAT's Jim. This I've always loved. I think this may have been on a BFT at one point. I know it's on my HD in the car, and always makes me smile. This does all that it's supposed to. Wait... this is NOT that. I mean, it IS, but this is not the version I have. Now I don't know what it is. It's that song, though... can't for the life of me remember the title. Either way, this works completely. Track 14 - What? Ohio Players, right? I mean, obviously this is not them, but that's who did it iirc. Probably be fun if I were there when this happened, but this is just weird. Reminds me a bit of Material's Memory Serves. I might revisit this for another listen when I'm not in a funk. I got him this time, but I missed him hard (as in didn't care for it) last time. He did that r&b thing better than anyone for my money, but I don't always want to hear it. This, however... this hits.
  10. Still believe "Impressions" (Red Records) from 1982 was their finest hour ....
  11. My mistake, I'm thinking of his Ritual Trio.
  12. The eBook version of Jared Diamond's Swing Kings: The Inside Story of Baseball's Home Run Revolution is on sale today for $2.99. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07V9HD4XP
  13. Thnx for all the 🎂🎂🎂 wishes .... much appreciated ....
  14. Luigi Texidor "Trinidad" (Nuestra Records) 1981 .... an inch worm guaranteed ....
  15. I've immensely enjoyed seeing him live; the records didn't do quite as much for me (and that's on me). I do have and enjoy Infinite Spirit Music in its reissue form. Nice album.
  16. Next up: Eddie Harris - Silver Cycles (Atlantic, 1969)
  17. Now spinning: Actually, it's my second spin of this LP today. I enjoyed it so much the first time that I decided to listen again.
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