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Everything posted by Dmitry

  1. Have you used a record cleaning machine[rcm] after cleaning with the Disc Doctor and compared it to using Disc Doctor alone? Makes a world of difference.
  2. Brushes alone won't do anything. You MUST have a record cleaning machine.
  3. Warning - I think Richie Cole's albums mostly sucked. I think it was a decade of saxophone solos less original than the 60s, many a times. Even though I can name 200 awesome 70s sax solos. But so many guys tried to do Coltrane[from all periods] and so many guys wanted to sound like John Klemmer.. There were some awesome records made too. From Steve Marcus' "Count's Rock Band" in 71 to Anthony Davis & Jay Hoggard's "Under The Double Moon" and Tommy Flanagan's "Super-Session" in 1980,a decade later. And there was Hemphill !
  4. Good point. Even though sometimes 45 minutes is just about enough. Is he a good guy to check out live? He's appearing in NY. I'm not familiar with him, but have seen the name. I've heard James Jackson though; he played bassoon for Sun Ra.
  5. Even the blonde jokes? I think I'll stick with the generalizations on that one.
  6. If the 70s was the "lost decade", what does it make the 90s? A jazz cd reissue decade?
  7. Is it my "Imagination" or does this woman have what is commonly referred to as a shlong? And a sizeable one as well.
  8. The show will be on for another season. How do i know? Last Friday i saw Larry David filming in the Broadway theaters' area, with a horse-drawn carriage. This man is funnier than Woody Allen has been in the last 10-15 years.
  9. What is this, a Russian dialogue from a Tom Clancy novel? Daniel, your accent...oy.
  11. Perhaps he was tired of lugging around all those Bose stereos. Did you get a demo during the concert?
  12. This begs a follow-up question: Who can be credited with teaching Lee the art of composition and arranging? I can't even make the choice re:favorite composition. Man was a prodigy and a genius.
  13. Thanks, brownie. It must've been something! How old were you ?
  14. I have these[on 3 Japanese cds]. Must admit that I liked the Jazz Messengers studio versions of the tunes better than this live material. Also, why is Kenny Clarke's picture on the back cover? Liner notes don't mention him substituting for Blakey.
  15. I guarantee that you will listen to it no less than one time. B)
  16. Picked it up last Friday, it's been getting regular car play for the last 4 days. Lovely disc. It was more traditional than I expected, which was a relief, actually. Mitchell definitely learned from the best of the soulful players like Quebec [and Ben Webster too]. He has that fat velvety sound. I like the quality of the packaging as well. Much better than those goofy Verve lp-sleeves. A clear winner. Thanks for recommending it. The only minor problem I noticed was the recording itself. I haven't played it on my home stereo yet, but there's a squeeking sound that appears in several spots. I thought it was Mitchell's sax, but even when he lays out, I can hear it. It must be either the drum set or someone's chair. Has anyone else noticed it?
  17. Vibes, I think I made a burn for Alan last year. Anyway, it doesn't really matter at all. Glad you like those albums. Landmark discs, both of them. Dickerson's Steeplechase... you're in for a treat. *Divine Gemini *To My Queen Revisited[perhaps you'll dig the beauty of original TMQ in conjunction with the TMQR. It's a retrospective album] *Shades Of Love *To My Son I don't enjoy the abstract improvisational later Steeplechase albums, and I didn't like Life Rays, his only Soul Note disc[his last one]. What is your name, btw? I don't remember your handle from the old BN.
  18. I made those burns, I think. How's the sound quality, a bit heavy on the bass? I forgot to turn off the bass boost on my mini-disc deck, I remember. Disagree on To My Queen. It's not boring at all. If anything, it's delicate and insigthful, imo. Have you heard To My Queen Revisited?
  19. He he. All true. I took a bus to go to Rome from Ladispoli every day for a month. I know what it's like. Great cartoon.
  20. "Me Myself An Eye" is the least interesting Mingus record I've heard, considering the unattainable level of his musicanship.
  21. Bird's Royal Roost sound is pretty atrocious. I got a couple of ESP records. Love 'em.
  22. Stand-up guy. CD delivered super-fast. Thanks.
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