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Everything posted by BFrank

  1. "Members, Don't Git Weary" IS essential. With a lineup of Gary Bartz, Charles Tolliver, Jymie Merritt and Stanley Cowell, you can't miss. Then there's the must-have tunes of "Effi", "Equipoise" and "Absolutions" (which is a highlight of the Lee Morgan "Lighthouse" set, BTW) and that seals the deal. B)
  2. Saw them early this year at Yoshi's along with Cecil McBee and Jack DeJohnette. They definitely seemed to enjoy performing together. This sounds like it was a great show, too.
  3. Fred Smith - not the same as the late Fred "Sonic" Smith (MC5 and later married to Patti Smith). Never a member of The Smiths, BTW.
  4. FYI - Jon Miller and Joe Morgan are doing the ESPN radio broadcast of the Series. It frees us from the annoyance of the lame Fox announcers and and irritating sound effects.
  5. The wrong teams won. Can't root for either one. DAMN!
  6. Just saw them at the Fillmore a month or so ago. They are still great. Sound as good as they must have 25 years ago. For an encore they did "Psychotic Reaction" - classic! I missed them the first time around, but got hooked on them in the 80's. Picked up all the Verlaine solos and the first couple of Lloyd albums. Lloyd's "Alchemy" is a really great pop album, BTW. I HIGHLY recommend the 'comeback' album, too. Haven't picked up the Handmade album, but will probably order it eventually. There's a Verlaine import collection called "The Miller's Tale" that looks pretty good for anyone wanting an overview of Television and solo stuff. Finally - here's a great web site devoted to 'all things' Television: The Wonder
  7. BFrank

    Jack Bruce

    Just caught this little article on the web. I had no idea he was ill, let alone nearly died. I would hate to see him go. +++ Cream's Jack Bruce Recovers from Liver Transplant Thu Oct 16, 2:38 AM ET LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Scottish musician Jack Bruce (news), former bass player and vocalist with short-lived 1960s "supergroup" Cream, is recovering from a near-fatal liver transplant, his label said on Wednesday. Bruce, 60, underwent the transplant in an English hospital on Sept. 19 after being diagnosed with liver cancer during the summer, Sanctuary Records said in a statement. He almost died after his body rejected the new liver, his kidneys failed and an infection set in. "After being very critical for a period in which we almost lost him, Jack is now making a successful recovery," said the statement, attributed to Bruce's family. Bruce is best known for his two-year stint in Cream, the groundbreaking blues-rock trio he formed in 1966 with guitarist Eric Clapton (news) and drummer Ginger Baker (news). With lyricist Pete Brown, Bruce co-wrote such hit singles as "I Feel Free" and "White Room." Tension within the group contributed to its demise in 1968, after three studio albums and a farewell concert at London's Royal Albert Hall. Bruce continued to record and tour, and he reunited with Clapton and Baker in 1993 to play three songs at Cream's induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
  8. Hey. I'm much better with "Willie Nelson" now. I skipped the first 4 cuts, and went straight to the 'remakes'. MUCH better. Smokin', actually. I realize now that the first 2 cuts (or more) are really stripped down and the bass line is just repetitive and goes nowhere. Whereas (on the remakes, anyway) later on it becomes much more creative and free-flowing. Whew! I feel better now. Thanks for all your insight ...
  9. Ah, that was my mistake. You're right, of course. Both engineered by Jim Anderson, correct? Jim Anderson - yes. Is that good?
  10. BFrank

    Billy Harper

    Yes, this is a spectacular album - start to finish. It should be in everyone's collection.
  11. Hey, Lon, please give me some direction in how to listen to "Willie Nelson". That's the one side that I'm having trouble with - in terms of the alt takes. That bass line makes me a little crazy after a while. I want to like it.
  12. "Blackhawk" is my favorite release of the year. If you've heard parts and like what you've heard, then this is a "must-have". Great "live" sound, and solid performances.
  13. Soul Stream, the 2 albums with Pullen on organ that I know about are led by David Murray (not Ware). They are "Shakill's Warrior" and "Shakill's II". Both outstanding, and definitely worth hunting down. I see them in th used shops frequently - "Warrior" more than "II". "Warrior" - Murray (tenor) - Pullen (organ) - Stanley Franks (guitar) - Andrew Cyrille (drums) "II" - Murray (tenor) - Pullen (organ) - Bill White (guitar) - J.T. Lewis (drums)
  14. Mega-mergers are rarely "a good thing" - especially in the media business.
  15. Glad I could help out, GA. I assume you're talking about the Timmons set. I was pretty surprised to find that one myself. I'm hoping that their re-doing the software. That interface they had was pretty awkward. I liked the board, tough. It was very free-wheeling. Also a good source for recommendations.
  16. Oh, man. Bummer. EMusic took down their BB. They say it won't be back until November. Shades of the BN BB.
  17. Laugher in Wrigley tonight. GREAT! I need a break from all these nail-biters.
  18. If you're into MP3s, you could join EMusic. They have "Spectrum" as well as most of the Fantasy/Prestige/Milestone/Riverside catalog. Actually, you could just do the 50-tune free trial and pay nothing for it.
  19. Quite honestly, they should be reported to ebay. These are misleading listings and compromise the search system.
  20. The BN web site has the new Conns "on sale" for $13.98. I suspect the reason is that the Conns are not commercially appealing, for the most part. Still, it seems odd that the pricing is so different.
  21. Actually, I think the Oakland A's have become the Atlanta Braves of the playoffs.
  22. I used to burn CD-Rs and make jewel case covers, but ever since I got my Archos 20 Recorder, I just d/l everything onto that. If I want to play any of that stuff at home, I can hook it up to the system and play it that way.
  23. Yeah, DrJ - "weak" IS the right term for the Bay Area teams! Oakland has become the Atlanta Braves of the West (or the Braves of the AL, whichever you prefer)
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