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Hoppy T. Frog

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Everything posted by Hoppy T. Frog

  1. The general point about suburbs, since their beginnings in the 1930s, has been their dormitory status. Town planners seem to have this idea that you should section cities off into residential, shopping, factory and office areas. This has always seemed silly to me; chaos has always seemed a better option as far as I could see. So you allow people to build for whatever kind of use they see the need for, wherever they think they see the need. In this framework, town planning becomes more an aesthetic issue than an organisational issue; and this seems to be what Cerritos has gone for. And there's no doubt that aesthetics do influence property prices. Whether it works or not, of course you can't tell unless you live there. MG Well, once upon a time, separating at least industrial uses from residential made a good amount of sense in preserving residential property values and mitigating the negative environmental and health impacts of traditional industry. Now that the West is in a post-industrial age that really isn't necessary anymore, and among US planners the concept that uses must be segregated is rapidly ending. California urban planners are the US leaders in "mixed-use" planning and, as you guessed, treating zoning and planning as more aesthetic tools.
  2. Thanks folks--I'd been intrigued but not enough to plunk down some money. The Ornette and Carla tributes seem most interesting. Also, interesting to see iTunes has all those SteepleChase albums.
  3. What does anyone recommend of the numerous SteepleChases?
  4. There was a great second-hand record and CD store on the second floor of a building on Narodni in the heart of town near the Magika Laterna. I can't remember the name, sorry
  5. Seconding the Ellery Eskelin. His trio is a great live act too.
  6. The prices are back to normal. Oh well, I was one of the lucky ones with the Sly Stone box set.
  7. Good gravy there's a lot of interesting stuff!!! I'm contemplating taking a leave of absence from work and crashing in a student group house for the whole season!
  8. Nice festival, never had been there before, mellow and laid back but tightly run and it's in such a pretty location. I only got to see most of Saturday, and the last two acts of Sunday unfortunately. Sonny Fortune was the highlight for me. (Pssst...I found it interesting that a member of the Board of Directors plays every year. Nothing like running a festival to have a guaranteed gig.)
  9. I thought those books took place in Oregon/Washington. Wasn't there a reference to Mount Hood in one of them? I loved those books when I was a boy. Yes, I was kind of girly.
  10. I've heard about this disc before. It's really expensive on Amazon! Does anyone know if the music is available elsewhere? I'm particularly interested in the quintet sessions with Clark Terry and Bob Wilber. Thanks! You know what? I don't think this music IS available elsewhere at this time, which is a crying shame! The solo live version of Lush Life, with Strayhorn singing as well as playing piano, is a heartbreaking work of staggering genius.
  11. Yes, no. But seriously, I find it to be absolutely beautiful music. "Selflessness" and "Ascension" are so staggering that they are for any mood. The opening motif of "ascension" especially just makes my neck hair stand on end and my ears wiggle in joy (true! they only do that when I'm most happy). To me, Coltrane's late work evokes feelings of bliss, and arouses in me a desire to find beauty in unlikely places (not only the music). Which is funny, I guess, since I don't buy into any "John Coltrane was a spiritual guide sent by the Ancestors" hokeyness. I listen to Minor Threat's first EP when I'm pissed off.
  12. Great show last night - amazing sets by both bands. F.A.B. Trio turned out to be a duo. Billy Bang was a "no show" Barry made an announcement that they,"had been trying to get intouch w/ him all day," and "wondered if he was okay." So eventhough Rudresh was the headliner he opened up the showed and played the complete "Codebook". Then Barry came out and did a 15 minute solo improv followed by a 15 solo improv by Joe Fonda. At the end of Joe's piece Barry came on stage and played w/ him for another 10 minutes or so. Rudresh joined them and they played another long improvised piece. When life hands you a lemon make lemonade F.A.B. Trio are booked for a show tonight in Baltimore. Billy is supposed to start a tour w/ Kahil El'Zabar on Monday in Chicago. I hope he's okay and just forgot about last night..... He was a little late, but he made it for his gig in Baltimore and looked to be in good shape. Good show.
  13. Dang it, I thought that Harkit was playing by the rules , and I bought all three volumes so far of the Ronnie Scott's material. The music is pretty well recorded and is absolutely remarkable. Sonny is on fire, and Stan Tracey was a revelation to me.
  14. Same here. I wonder if we ordered ours before an obvious deluge caused them to pull the plug.
  15. I ordered it from B*st B*y, and the price for the box set comes up as $9.99 when one puts it in the cart!
  16. I'll answer your question by asking you another question: What discount? If you went to the box office and asked for the Zorn50 discount. It only worked for box office walk-up sales. Oh, and Masada didn't impress me at all. Sounded like an Ornette Coleman tribute band. All the season ticket blue hairs seemed to like it, tho.
  17. stuff deleted. Jason said it better than me, and beat me to it.
  18. PM sent re: Barry Altschul and Steve Lacy.
  19. Thanks MG for your informed comments. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but if I am correct in believeing that the TAW were first published around 1985 or so, it might be assumed that he had been working on them since the 70s up to that point. I wonder if his ideas have evolved (or refined, or what you want to call it) since then, and maybe he might come to different conclusions based on scholarship of the last 30 years? I know I would disagree on some (okay, many) points with the "myself" of 20 tears ago.
  20. Yes. Interesting to hear once, not something that will get another listen from me for a long time.
  21. I feel exactly the same way about the Armstrong Hot Five/Seven Box set that came out a couple years ago. I could just listen to it over and over and over...
  22. Thanks. The magazine does look good, but I always wish that there was more content, but from the old back issues I buy off ebay I gather it has always been a bit on the thin side.
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