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Everything posted by Sundog

  1. Chick Corea's "Crystal Silence" is really beautiful and contemplative in nature. Could fit rather well at some point in the proceedings. Should be easy for seasoned pros to workup as well.
  2. Dude, set those B&Ws free so they can image properly! Not sure about your other problem.
  3. This is exactly the kind of clip that drives me crazy (not really). Great stuff! Everyone came to play, and as a result they were throughly entertaining.
  4. Some nice playing from Emily on this one one (apologies if this has been previously posted)...
  5. Another early entry, but for now... Jack Teagarden- I Swung The Election
  6. Yeah! Tremendous exchanges between Mulligan and Clark Terry! Burning! P.S. The quotes are priceless. They just crack me up... in a good way!
  7. From... The Complete Verve Gerry Mulligan Concert Jazz Band Sessions- Blueport
  8. Apparently this has already been covered. Nevermind. Previous Thread
  9. I've noticed a number of upcoming releases with the description "Super-High Material" used to characterize the CD. Anyone know what this means? I've included an example description below. Thanks. John Coltrane Crescent CD (2008) (Import) Super-High Material Pre-Order Now! Available: Tuesday, July 01, 2008 $42.05
  10. My two favorite hard rock guitarists in the same photo. Mick pretty much invented (or at least perfected) that crunchy tone that rock guitar players everywhere search for at one time or another. What I like most about him is that behind it all he was a very melodic player. That other guy ain't so bad either.
  11. FYI- This one is back in stock at DG. I just ordered a copy.
  12. Sure... Sex Pistols vs. The Clash (Just my opinion of course, but I'm probably not alone in this view)
  13. A few more current rock acts that don't suck! Wolfmother The Raconteurs Back Door Slam Zappa Plays Zappa
  14. Thanks. Airto makes it look so easy!
  15. Anyone know the name of the instrument that Airto is playing? (See about 1:10 into the video after the B-day celebration). Thanks.
  16. Totally digging "Head On"... right in my wheelhouse!
  17. This one has made quite an impression on me over the last couple of days..."Goodbye" from Flight, Bremen 1961 (Jimmy Guiffre, Paul Bley, Steve Swallow). How three individuals could sound so orchestral I'll never know.
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